Category: News

Wairarapa Times Age available on Newztext

We are happy to announce that the Wairarapa Times-Age is being added to Newztext, it will be published daily from Tuesday-Saturday.

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Scheduled Outage – 27/04/2024

Please Note: The Knowledge Basket will undergo scheduled maintenance on Saturday, April 27, 2024, for approximately one hour from 9pm-10pm (NZT) to improve site performance and security. Search service will be disrupted during this period. For urgent inquiries, please contact

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Searching Problems

Some users have reported problems searching our databases.  Apparently the search screen simply re-draws rather than producing the search results. This is due to some Javascript user interface code changes that we made during the weekend.  Some web-browsers are not

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Hansard – Written Questions

The “Written Questions” collection of the Hansard database has been brought up to date – from 1987 – 21 August 2017. It is now automated so that future records will be added as they become available.

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Family Histories Bibliography

Tony Millett’s Bibliography of Published New Zealand Family Histories, one of the bibliographies included in the New Zealand Index database on Knowledge Basket, has recently been extended by the addition of about 650 records for older New Zealand family histories

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Slight changes

We’re in the process of testing an upgrade to our core servers.  Along the way we’ve discovered a few things that no longer work.  One of these was the widgets that display News, Views, and Focus articles on the home

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RNZ FTP server is down…

We are not receiving stories from Radio New Zealand at the moment. We have logged a fault call, and will update this post once we know more. Apologies for the inconvenience.

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Permission denied

Some of you may be getting a “permission denied” error message when you’re trying to access The Knowledge Basket.  The cause of this is that we’ve recently tightened up our security in response to the thousands of attacks that we

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Personal logins

You’ve probably noticed a new feature on our search pages. There’s now a “Register” and “Login” option displayed in the top right hand corner of the search, search results and document view panes. “Hang on a minute – you already

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Security Updates

Most of our users simply wouldn’t believe the level of attacks that our servers are routinely subjected to. Most of them are simply annoyances, but some are more serious – having the potential to break into our systems to steal

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