
Help with Searching

For help with how to get the best search results just click on the “Help with Searching” link.


A number of Knowledge Basket database posters are available as an E-poster which can be downloaded and displayed on screens at your library. Click on the E-posters link on the right-hand side of this page.

Training Seminars

Training Seminars are available if requested. Please email or call us on 0800 456 695.


We can help you to set up your own Electronic Press Clipping Service (e-clips) to monitor breaking news stories coming into The Knowledge Basket at regular intervals during the day.
For more information about e-clips click on the “E-clips” link.

 Access Problems

There are a variety of common causes of problems accessing databases on The Knowledge Basket.  Please help us to help you get access to our databases again as quickly as possible.