Year: 2015

Personal logins

You’ve probably noticed a new feature on our search pages. There’s now a “Register” and “Login” option displayed in the top right hand corner of the search, search results and document view panes. “Hang on a minute – you already

Posted in News

Security Updates

Most of our users simply wouldn’t believe the level of attacks that our servers are routinely subjected to. Most of them are simply annoyances, but some are more serious – having the potential to break into our systems to steal

Posted in News

Reading Machines

What if there were a machine that could read vast amounts of text, “understand” it, and could then answer questions using the knowledge gained from reading? How could that affect libraries, and library and information professionals, and indeed New Zealand?

Posted in Views

User interface enhancements and fixes

I’ve just implemented a few (overdue) search results enhancements & fixes. In no particular order: Search result selections (ticking the box next to the title) used to get forgotten when viewing a document.  The same problem applied to hidden documents

Posted in Focus