
La Cellule
La conchiglia. 29(284)
La conchiglia. 30(289)
La conchiglia. 31(290)
La difesa delle plante
Laboratory guide for identification of plant pathogenic bacteria
Laboratory investment
Laboratory News
Laboratory news (New Zealand)
Laboratory news. Aug./Sep.
Laboratory practice
Labour and employment gazette
Lago Titicaca : sintesis del conocimiento limnologico actual / Claude Dejoux y Andre Iltis, editores.
Lagomorph newsletter
Lait, 78:413-423
Lake chart series
Lake chart series. Bathymetry / NIWA
Lake manager’s handbook
Lake Managers handbook
Lake Taupo
Lake Taupo ; Ecology of a New Zealand lake
LakeScience Rotorua , 2
Lamb growth
Land application of wastes in Australia and New Zealand : research and practice
Land contamination & reclamation, 5:337-342
Land degradation & development. 10
Land degradation & rehabilitation
Land degradation and development , 10
Land Degradation and Rehabilitation
Land inventory survey of Coromandel and Thames counties
Land inventory survey Waimairi County
Land reclamation : achieving sustainable benefits : proceedings of the fourth International Conference of the International Affiliation of Land Reclamationists, Nottingham, United Kingdon, 7-11 September 1998
Land reclamation after gravel extraction on Ranzau soils,
Land Settlement Board High Country Landscape Seminar, Lincoln College, Canterbury, 12-13 November : report of proceedings and summary
Land Treatment Collective meeting, 21-23 April, Nelson
Land treatment of wastes
Land use in relation to water quantity and quality
Land use, erosion and carbon sequestration : international colloquium in Agropolis Center, Montpellier, 23-28 Septembre 2002 : abstracts
Land utilization report of the Heretaunga Plains
Landforms of New Zealand
Landlink , Spring 1994
Landsat 79
Landsat 81
LANDSAT II over New Zealand
Landscape 2000 : International Landscape Conference, Peppers Faimont Resort, Leura, NSW, Australia, 16-20 October 2000 : conference proceedings
Landscape and urban planning
Landscape and urban planning , 32
Landscape and urban planning , 50
Landscape Ecology
Landscape ecology , 16
Landscape New Zealand , March/April
Landscape New Zealand, 2002:[8-9]
Landscape Publications
Landslide news
Landslides : proceedings of the First European Conference on Landslides, Prague, Czech Republic, June 24-26, 2002
Landslides : proceedings of the sixth international symposium 10-14 February : Christchurch
Landslides, extent and economic significance
Large Earthquakes in New Zealand
Large earthquakes in New Zealand
Larval biology : Australian Society for Fish Biology Workshop, Hobart, 20 August,
Laser and particle beams
LASIE : Library automated systems information exchange
LASRA Conference
Late Cainozoic palaeoclimates of the Southern Hemisphere
Late Cenozoic volcanism in New Zealand
Late Quaternary Coastal Tectonics : London, 18-19 June : abstracts volume
Latin America : proceedings of a Final Research Co-ordination Meeting held
Lau/Tonga 1978
Law talk
LC-GC international
Le Gerfault
Leatherhead Food RA Food Industry Journal
Lebensmittel Wissenscaft und technologie
Lebensmittel Wissenschaft & Technologie
Lebensmittel Wissenschaft und Technologie
Lebensmittel wissenschaft und technologie, 30:246-252
Lebensmittel-wissenschaft + I
Lecture summaries
Legumes for dryland pastures : proceedings of a New Zealand Grassland Association (Inc.) Symposium, held at Lincoln, University, 18-19
Legumes in farming systems
Lentle,R.; Saxton,F.L. Stalking the seasons round : a year-round guide to hunting deer in New Zealand
Les brachiopodes fossiles et actuels
Les insectes sociaux : 12th Congress of the International Union for the Study of Social Insects IUSSI, Paris, Sorbonne, 21-27 August
Les Nouvelles Caledoniennes
Lethaia. 32(1)
Lettere al nuovo cimento
Letters in applied microbiology
Letters in applied microbiology, 27:283-286
Letters in applied microbiology, 32:36-41
Letters in applied microbiology, 37:340-343
Letters in applied mycology , 15″
Letters in mathematical physics
Levoglucosenone and levoglucosans : chemistry and applications : proceedings of the Symposium on Levoglucosenone and Levoglucosans
Lexique stratigraphique international. Volume VI, Oceania. Fascicule 4, New Zealand
Library life
Library life, 266:18
Libro de resumenes / V Congreso Mundial del Aguacate Book of abstracts / World avocado congress
Lichen flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert Region : Volume 1 (the pyrenolichens and most of the squamulaose and macrolichens)
Lichenological contributions in honour of Jack Elix
Lichenologist , 28
Lichenologist , 29
Lichenologist , 31
Lichenologist , 32
Lichenology in Latin America : history, current knowledge and application
Lichens of rainforest in Tasmania and south-eastern Australia
Liebigs Annalen : organic and bioorganic chemistry
Life and landscapes : a pictorial celebration of scientific research in the Hutt Valley
Life Sciences
Life sciences
Life sciences
Life sciences contributions / Royal Ontario Museum
Life support plant species
Lifestyle farmer, 2002:60-61
Lighting quarterly
Lighting quarterly
Lime in New Zealand agriculture
Limnology and oceanography
Limnology and Oceanography
Limnology and oceanography
Limnology and Oceanography CONFIDENTIAL
Limnology and Oceanography, University College, Cork,
Limnology and oceanography.
Limnology and oceanography. 43(4)
Limnology and oceanography. 43(6)
Limnology and oceanography. 43(7)
Limnology and oceanography. 44(2)
Limnology and oceanography. 44(4)
Limnology and oceanography. 45(1)
Limnology Oceanography
Lincoln College Farmers Conference 1982
Lincoln College Farmers’ Conference
Linking species and ecosystems : Papers from the Fifth Cary Conference, held at the Institute of Ecosystem Studies, Millbrook, N.Y.,
Linnean Society
LIRO report
Listener & TV times
Listener & tv times
Listener & TV times Sep 23
Listener (Wellington, N.Z.)
Listener , March 15
Listener, TV & radio times
Literature review of the acute toxicity and persistence of brodifacoum to invertebrates and studies of residue risks to wildlife and people
Lithos. 42(1/2)
Lithos. 45(1/4)
Little Barrier Island (Hauturu)
Live lines ; Journal of the Electrical Supply Authorities
Living bird quarterly
Living science conference 1999, June 30th – July 2nd 1999, Dunedin New Zealand : a conference for women in science
Lobster newsletter
Local Body review
Local body review
Loess : its distribution, geology and soils
Loggers and Saw Millers Magazine
Looking back to tomorrow
Looking to New Zealand’s future in citrus
Lottery grants update
Lotus newsletter
Low Temperature Metamorphic Processes in Contrasting Geodynamic Settings : abstracts : Auckland, November
Low temperature metamorphic processes in contrasting geodynamic settings : abstracts : Auckland, November 1991
Low- and very low-grade metamorphism in southern New Zealand and its geological setting
Low-level tritium measurement ; Proceedings of a Consultants
Low-radioactivity measurements and applications
Lower Hutt Valley – “Search for direction” workshop Saturday 29
Lower Paleozoic of the Middle East, East and Southern Africa
Lowland forests in New Zealand
Lucerne for the 80’s
Lunar and Planetary Science XXX (CD-ROM)
Lund Publication in geology
Lunds universitets arsskrift
Lyell : the past is the key to the present