
X INQUA Congress, Birmingham, 1977 : abstracts
XI IPC 2004
XII [12th] International Grassland Congress proceedings
XIII International Botrytis Symposium, 25-31 October, Antalya, Turkey : abstracts
XIIth International Botrytis Symposium July 3-7, 2000, Reims, France
XIX International Symposium on Improvement of Ornamental Plants
XIXth Congress Ampere
XVI INQUA Congress programs with abstracts, July 23-30, 2003, Reno, Nevada, USA
XVI International Botanical Congress, St.Louis, USA, August 1-7, 1999 : abstracts
XVI International Grassland Conference ^Congres International
XVI International Grassland Congress, 4-11 October, Nice, 1989
XVI International Grassland Congress, Nice, France, 4-11
XVIth International Biometric Conference : Hamilton, New Zealand, 7-11 December : Proceedings of contributed papers
XXI International congress of Entomology ; XVIII Brazilian Congress of Entomology, Foz do Iguassu, Brazil, 2000, August 20th to 26th : Abstracts : Session 03 : Biogeography and biodiversity
XXI International congress of Entomology ; XVIII Brazilian Congress of Entomology, Foz do Iguassu, Brazil, 2000, August 20th to 26th : Abstracts : Session 07 : Pesticides, resistance and insect-tolerant crops
XXI International congress of Entomology ; XVIII Brazilian Congress of Entomology, Foz do Iguassu, Brazil, 2000, August 20th to 26th : Abstracts : Session 21 : Systematics and phylogeny
XXI IUFRO World Congress 2000 7-12 August 2000, Kuala Lumpur : Forests and society : the role of research : abstracts of group discussions Vol.2
XXI IUFRO World Congress 2000 7-12 August 2000, Kuala Lumpur : Forests and society : the role of research : poster abstracts Vol.3
XXIX IAHR Congress Proceedings, Beijing Septeber 2001
XXVII SCAR & COMNAP XVI Meeting, 25-31 July 2004, Congress centre, Bremen, Germany. SCAR Open Science Conference : Antarctica and the Southern Ocean in the Global System, 26-28 July 2004 : XI SCALOP Symposium : Towards the International Polar Year and Beyond, 28 July 2004 : abstract volume
XXVIII SCAR & COMNAP XVI Meeting, 25-31 July, 2004, Congress Centre, Bremen, Germany. SCAR Open Science Conference “Antarctica and the Southern Ocean in the Global System”, 26-28 July 2004. XI SCALOP Symposium “Towards the International Polar Year and Beyond”, 28 July 2004 : abstract volume
Xylem cell development