R & D Management
R&D management
R&D Management : Journal of research, technology and innovation management
Rabbit and land management news , December 1994
Rabbit and land management news , March 1995
Rabbit and land management news , September 1994
Rabbit and Land management Programme : a research update.
Rabbit control : RCD : dilemmas and implications. Proceedings of the conference, Wellington, New Zealand, 30-31 March 1998.
Rabbits, hares, and pikas : status survey and conservation action plan
Rachel D. Cavanagh … [et.al]Brisbane, Queensland : University of
Radiation effects
Radiation Effects in Insulators-10 (International German Physics Conference), Jena, Germany, 1999
Radiation effects letters
Radiation exposure of the population and its comprehension
Radiation physics and chemistry. 57
Radiation protection dosimetry
Radiation protection in Australia
Radiation protection news and notes
Radiation Research
Radiation research
Radiation research Sep
Radio and Electrical Review
Radio and electrical review
Radio and electronic engineer
Radio and electronics
Radio noise of terrestrial origin
Radio Science
Radio science
Radio science
Radio science (New series)
Radio science Jul/Aug
Radio, electronics and communications
Radioactive tracers in oceanography
Radiocarbon , 37
Radiocarbon , 38
Radiocarbon Users’ Conference
Radiocarbon Users’ Conference held at Institute of Nuclear
Radiocarbon Users’ Conference held at the Institute of Nuclear
Radiocarbon variations and absolute chronology
Radiocarbon. 38(2)
Radiocarbon. 39(3)
Radiocarbon. 40(2)
Radiocarbon. 41(2)
Radiochemical and radioanalytical letters
Radiochemical methods of analysis
Radioisotope production
Radiometry Meeting (NewRad), Madrid, 1999
Rain – the forgotten resource : conference papers : second South Pacific conference, 27-29 June 2001, Carlton Hotel, Auckland, New Zealand
Rangeland journal
Rangeland journal , 16
Rangeland journal , 17
Rangeland journal , 18
Rangeland journal , 19
Rangeland journal , 22
Rangelands in a sustainable biosphere. Proceedings of the Fifth International Rangeland Congress, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 23-28 July, 1995. Volume 1: Contributed presentations.
Rangelands in a sustainable biosphere. Proceedings of the Fifth International Rangeland Congress, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 23-28 July, 1995. Volume 2: Invited presentations
Rangelands in a sustainable biosphere. Proceedings of the Fifth International Rangeland Congress, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 23-28 July, 1995. Volume 2: Invited presentations.
Rapid melting of the terminal section of the Hooker Glacier
Rapport / Naturgeografiska institutionen, Uppsala universitet
Rapports nationaux – International Association de Seismologie
Rare bits , 27
Rare bits , 32
Rates of chemical weathering of rocks and minerals
Rats, mice and people : rodent biology and management
Re-introduction news , 19
Reaction-diffusion equations : the proceedings of a Symposium Year on Reaction-diffusion Equations organized by the Department of
Reactivity of Solids
Reader’s digest
Readings in Australian geography
Rebecca Bartley.
Recent advances and developments in the refrigeration of meat
Recent advances in “Wellington” earth science : extended abstracts, 8-9 July 1992
Recent advances in anaerobic bacteriology
Recent advances in animal nutrition in Australia 1985
Recent advances in East Coast geology and geophysics
Recent advances in microbial ecology
Recent advances in New Zealand Earth Science : abstracts from a seminar to mark the retirement of Ian Speden
Recent advances in the chemistry of meat
Recent Advances in Wellington Earth Science : extended abstracts, 8-9 July
Recent advances in Wellington earth science : extended abstracts, 8-9 July
Recent Crustal Movements
Recent crustal movements
Recent crustal movements of the Pacific region
Recent developments in corrosion technology : a joint symposium by ACA, Auckland Division and SCANZ, Rotorua, 28 July
Recent developments in corrosion technology : SCANZ 95 : a joint symposium by Australasian Corrosion Association, Auckland Division and
Recent Developments in New Zealand Basin Studies : seminar sponsored by DSIR Geology & Geophysics, 19 September
Recent developments in New Zealand Basin Studies : seminar sponsored by DSIR Geology & Geophysics, 19 September
Recent developments in New Zealand Basin Studies Seminar : Lower Hutt
Recent developments in understanding chemical movement in soils : significance in relation to water quality and efficiency of fertiliser use : proceedings of the workshop held by the Fertilizer and Lime Research Centre at Massey University, Palmerston North, New Zealand, 14-15 February 1996
Recent developments in world seismology
Recent developments on understanding chemical movements in soil : significance in relation to water quality and efficiency of fertiliser use
Recent progress on mineral nutrition and mineral requirements
Recent research developments in phytochemistry
Reclamation era
Recollecting Edvard August Vainio
Reconnaissance biostratigraphy of Awakino-1 offshore well
Record / AGSO-Geoscience Australia
Record / New Zealand Geographical Society
Records (National Museum of New Zealand
Records from the Dominion Museum
Records of Australian museum
Records of the Auckland Institute and Museum
Records of the Auckland Institute and Museum
Records of the Auckland Museum
Records of the Auckland Museum. 35
Records of the Australian Academy of Science
Records of the Australian Museum
Records of the Australian Museum
Records of the Australian Museum, Supplement
Records of the Australian Museum. 49(2)
Records of the Australian Museum. 50(3)
Records of the Canterbury Museum
Records of the Canterbury Museum , 13
Records of the Canterbury Museum. 13
Records of the Dominion Museum
Records of the National Museum of New Zealand
Records of the South Australian Museum
Records of the survey of New Zealand
Records of the Western Australian Museum
Records of the Western Australian Museum CONFIDENTIAL
Records of the Western Australian Museum. 19(2)
Red tide newsletter
Redesigning resources , 2
Rediscover Otago : new perspectives new opportunities : Proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference, New Zealand Branch of the
Rediscover Otago : new perspectives, new opportunities : proceedings of the 26th Annual Conference, New Zealand Branch of the
Refined flow modelling and turbulence measurements =Modelisation fine des ecoulements et mesures en ecoulement turbulent
Reflection seismology
Refrigeration and air conditioning
Refrigeration for food and people
Refrigeration of perishable products for distant markets
Regional management of sea coasts and lake shores
Regional Parks winter news
Regional studies and specific deposits
Regionalization in hydrology
Regulated rivers
Regulated rivers : research and management
Regulated rivers: research & management
Regulated rivers: research and management
Regulation of carbon partitioning in photosynthetic tissue
Rehabilitation of indigenous forest after mining, West Coast. Part 1.
Reintroduction biology of Australian and New Zealand fauna
Reliability and risk analysis in civil engineering
Remote sensing and photogrammetry news (RSPAA newsletter) , 8
Remote sensing for land and sea resources
Remote Sensing for Soil Conservation (Workshop proceedings, 29
Remote sensing of environment
Remote sensing of environment , 54
Remote sensing of environment , 69
Remote sensing of environment , 71
Remote sensing of environment , 74
Remote sensing of environment , 75
Remote sensing of environment , 77
Remote sensing of environment , 90
Remote sensing of the environment
Remote sensing reviews
Renewable energy
Repellents in wildlife management
Report / DSIR, Crop Research Division
Report / Taupo Research Laboratory
Report / University of New South Wales ; OR/78/6
Report digest / National Roads Board, Road Research Unit
Report of the
Report of the 21st session, International Geological Congress,
Report of the 23rd International Geological Congress, Prague,
Report of the 40th Annual Conference of Fellmongers and Hide
Report of the 41st Annual Conference of Fellmongers and Hide Processors, held at the Vacation Inn Logan Park, Auckland on 15 and 16
Report of the Ad Hoc Meeting on Management of Deepwater Fisheries Resources of the Southern Indian Ocean. Swakopmund, Namibia,
Report of the Annual Conference of Leather Technicians
Report of the International WOCE Scientific Conference, Unesco,
Report of the meeting of the Australasian Association for the
Report of the Methyl Bromide Technical Options Committee for the assessment of the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer
Report of the session / International Poplar Commission, 21st:122
Report of the session / International Poplar Commission, 21st:60
Report of the session / International Poplar Commission, 21st:79
Report of the Sixth Science Congress
Report of the Thirty-fifth Annual Conference of Fellmongers and
Report of the thirty-fifth Annual Conference of Fellmongers and
Report of the thirty-seventh Annual Conference of Fellmongers
Report of the thirty-sixth Annual Conference of Fellmongers and
Report of the twenty-ninth Annual Conference of Fellmongers and
Report of the United Nations Geothermal Review Mission to El Salvador 24 February – 7 March 1978
Report of the United Nations Geothermal Review Mission to Honduras, 8-11 March 1978
Report on a survey of the proposed Wapiti Area, West Nelson
Report on a visit to the Tongonan Geothermal Field, Leyte,
Report on geothermal survey at Broadlands 1968
Report on geothermal survey at Waiotapu
Report on investigations in the Wairakei-Taupo area
Report on Mussel Cultivation Seminar
Report on planning workshop – Fiords Marine Research – 26-27 August, Wellington
Report on planning workshop – Fiords marine research – 26-27 August,, Wellington
Report on the biostratigraphy of Pakaha No
Report on the biostratigraphy of Parara No
Report on the Marine Phosphatic Sediments Workshop, February
Reports / BANZ Antarctic Research Expedition,-1931 1950
Reports : International Federation of Fruit Juice Producers XX Symposium, Paris 16-17-18 May
Reports of geological explorations
Reports of the #Kaiyo Maru# in the New Zealand region
Reports on progress in physics
Reproduction and fertility development
Reproduction Fertility and Development , 16
Reproduction, fertility and development
Reproduction, fertility and development
Reproduction, fertility and development , 11
Reproduction, fertility and development , 14
Reproduction, fertility and development , 14 Supplement
Reproduction, fertility and development , 15 SRB abstracts supplement
Reproduction, fertility and development , 8
Reproduction, fertility and development , 9
Reproductive science and integrated conservation
Research bulletin / Phuket Marine Biological Center.
Research Centre for Agriculture, Braunschweig, FRG, June 19-24,
Research Centre, Massey University, 26-28 April
Research conference on epigenetics, 1999:[1p.]
Research in photosynthesis
Research in science & technology : opportunities for collaboration between business, CRIs and tertiary institutions : proceedings of a conference sponsored by the Academy Council of the Royal Society of New Zealand, 25 November 1999
Research in the Taieri catchment : a symposium supporting multidisciplinary environmental research in Otago and celebrating the sesquicentennial of Dunedin, February 1998
Research in the Wellington area
Research in veterinary science
Research incorporating the 7th Annual Colloquium of the Spatial Information
Research infrastructure for science and technology in New Zealand
Research into monitoring land resources at Landcare Research : proceedings of workshops, August 3-4 and 30 1993, Christchurch
Research Ltd, Lincoln
Research needs and applications to reduce erosion and sedimentation in tropical steeplands : Proceedings of the Fiji Symposium,
Research notes 1984
Research notes 1985
Research notes 1987
Research notes 1988
Research notes 1989
Research policy
Research report – An Foras Taluntais / Soils and grassland
Research report – southern North Island region / soil and field
Research report / School of Earth Sciences. 97
Research report / School of Earth Sciences. 99
Research reports / National Geographic Society
Research Symposium / New Zealand Fertiliser Manufacturers’
Research Techniques in Nondestructive Testing
Researches on population ecology
Resistant pest management, 9(2):8
Resource management : issues, visions, practice : a symposium, Friday 5 – Monday 8 July 1996 : proceedings
Resource management bulletin , 4
Resource management law reform
Resource research
Resources : abstracts [of the] Geophysical Symposium, 22-23 May 1991, Geothermal Research Centre, Wairakei, Taupo
Restoration ecology , 10
Restoration ecology , 5
Restoration ecology , 9
Restoration ecology.
Restoration of Aquatic Habitats
Restoring wetlands – a practical forum : a national gathering of wetland enthusiasts, 27-28 February 2004, Tapu Te Ranga marae, Island Bay, Wellington : programme and summaries
Results of geothermal investigations: Wairakei Taupo area
Reunion annuelle des Sciences de la Terre, Nancy
Review (Journal of the Tussock Grassland and Mountain Lands Institute)
Review – Tussock Grasslands and Mountain Lands Institute
Review / Tussock Grasslands and Mountain Lands Institute
Review 44
Review : journal of the New Zealand Mountain Lands Institute
Review ; Journal of the Tussock Grasslands and Mountain Lands
Review ; Journal of Tussock Grasslands and Mountain Lands
Review of fisheries in OECD member countries, 1984
Review of palaeobiology and palynology
Review of palaeobotany & palynology. 106(1/2)
Review of palaeobotany & palynology. 111(3/4)
Review of palaeobotany and palynology
Review of palaeobotany and palynology. 103(1/2)
Review of palaeobotany and palynology. 99(2)
Review of paleobotany and palynology
Review of paleobotany and palynology , 96
Review of plant pathology
Review of plant pathology , 75
Review of progress in quantative nondestructive evaluation
Review of scientific instruments
Reviews in analytical chemistry
Reviews in aquatic sciences
Reviews in fish biology and fisheries
Reviews in fish biology and fisheries
Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries CONFIDENTIAL
Reviews of geophysics and space physics
Reviews of geophysics. 36(1)
Reviews of geophysics. 36(4)
Reviews of geophysics. 37(1)
Reviews of geophysics. 37(3)
Reviews of pure and applied chemistry
Reviews on high-temperature materials
Revista Chapingo Serie Horticultura, 5 (Especial):337-339
Revista de biologia tropical , 46
Revista Espanola de Micropaleontologia
Revista Espanola de micropaleontologia
Revista espanola de micropaleontologia
Revista fruticola
Revista geologica de Chile
Revista geologicica de Chile
Revista Lafinoamericana de Quimica
Revista pastos , 23
Revista universitaria
Revue d’Ecologie et de biologie du sol
Revue d’ecologie et de biologie du sol
Revue d’hydrobiologie tropicale
Revue de l’Institut Francais du Petrole
Revue de l’Institut francais du petrole
Revue de micropaleontologie
Revue de micropaleontologue
Revue de nematologie
Revue juridique de l’environnement
Revue scientifique et technique / Office Internationale des Epizooties
Revue scientifique et technique / Office internationale des epizooties
Revue Suisse de zoologie , 110
RF Design
RGJ-PhD Congress III
Rheologica acta
Rheology of the lithosphere and Australian earthquakes
Rhizobium newsletter
Riccarton Bush : Putaringamotu : natural history and management
Rice biotechnology quarterly
Riding the wave of tourism and hospitality research : CAUTHE 2003 conference, Pacific Bay Resort, Coffs Harbour, 5th-8th February 2003 : book of abstracts
Rietveld method
Riparian Vegetation and Fluvial Geomorphology CONFIDENTIAL
Riparian Zones in Australia, held in association with the 32nd Annual
Riprap (riparian zone)
Rising stars of the Australian resources scene
Risk analysis
Risk assessment of environmental end points : proceedings of a workshop
Risk assessment of environmental end points : proceedings of a workshop, University of Auckland, October 28-30, 1998
Risk of toxicoses from pesticides and pollutants in raptors and wildlife in Israel : proceedings of an international workshop, Jerusalem Biblical Zoo, Israel, April 2000
Risks and benefits of energy systems
River low flows
River research and applications
Rivista di biologia
Rivista di biologia – Biology forum
Rivista di frutticoltura
Rivista di frutticoltura e di ortofloricoltura
Rivista di frutticoltura e di ortofloricoltura, 59(7-8):64-65
Rivista di frutticoltura, 57(4):36-40
Rivista di frutticoltura, 61(12):24-29
Rivista di frutticoltura, 61(12):30-36
Rivista di frutticoltura, 61(12):53-56
Riwaka Research Station annual report
RM update , 10
RM update , Issue 4 April 2000
Road Research Unit newsletter
Road Traffic Safety Seminar 1984
Road transport construction
Roading geotechnics ’98
Roading geotechnics ’98, Auckland, July 1998
ROBHANZ 89 Robotics and handling automation in New Zealand
Robotics and manufacturing Systems, 3
Rock magnetism and paleogeophysics
Rod and rifle , 16(3)
Rod and rifle , 16(5)
Rod and rifle , 22(5)
RoeFo Fortschritte auf dem Gebiete der Roentgenstrahlen und der
Root and butt rots newsletter
Ross Sea region 2001 : a state of the environment report for the Ross Sea region of Antarctica
Rotorua monitoring programme progress report
Rotorua monitoring programme progress report January-March 1984
Rotorua monitoring programme progress report July-September 1983
Royal Australian Chemical Institute Convention, Canberra, 2000
Royal Horticultural Society journal
Royal Institute of Naval Architects High Performance Yacht Design Conference
Royal Institution of Naval Architects, New Zealand Division, Meeting
Royal Instsitution of Naval Architects Conference High Performance Yacht Design Conference
Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture Annual Journal
Royal Society miscellaneous series, 35:75-77
Royal Society of New Zealand bulletin
Royal Society of New Zealand, Wellington Branch, Geology
Royal Society of New Zealand. Miscellaneous eries
Royal Society of NZ (Canterbury Branch) Annual Report and
Royal Society Parliamentary Science Meeting, 22 June
Royal Statistical Society Series B, June 2003
RRU bulletin
RSNZ miscellaneous series, 2002:82
Rukuhia Soil Research Station Annual Report-1960 1960
Rukuhia Soil Research Station Annual Report-1961 1961
Rukuhia Soil Research Station Annual Report-1962 1962
Rukuhia Soil Research Station Annual Report-61 1961
Rukuhia Soil Research Station Annual Report-62 1962
Ruminant physiology
Ruminants held in Athens, Georgia, U
Russian journal of nematology
Russian journal of nematology , 10
Russian journal of nematology , 2
Russian journal of nematology , 3
Russian journal of nematology , 4
Russian journal of nematology , 7
Russian journal of nematology , 8
Russian journal of nematology , 9
Russian journal of plant physiology, 47:350-354
RUU newsletter
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