Pacific coasts and ports ’97 : proceedings of the 13th Australasian Coastal and Ocean Engineering Conference and the 6th
Pacific Concrete Conference
Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering : Melbourne, Australia, 20-22 November : proceedings
Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering : New Zealand, 20-23 November
Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Auckland, New Zealand, 20-23 November : proceedings
Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Auckland, New Zealand, 20-23 November : proceedings 2
Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Auckland, New Zealand, 20-23 November, Proceedings, Volume 3
Pacific Conference on Earthquake Engineering, Wairakei, New
Pacific conservation biology , 5
Pacific Corrosion, proceedings of 5th Asian-Pacific Corrosion
Pacific discovery
Pacific ecologist
Pacific Geology
Pacific Geothermal Conference and 4th Geothermal Workshop Tour
Pacific island water resources
Pacific islands monthly
Pacific Neogene datum planes and studies
Pacific Neogene events : their timing, nature and interrelationship
Pacific oils 2000 : the proceedings of the International Conference on Plant Oils and Marine Lipids, Auckland, November 25-28, 1997
Pacific Oils 2000, Auckland
Pacific Rim Bio-Based Composites Symposium, Vancouver, Canada, 6-9 November 1994
Pacific Rim Congress 87, 90 : an international congress on the geology, structure, mineralisation, economics and feasibility of mining
Pacific Science Association 15th Congress Programme, abstracts
Pacific Science Association 15th Congress, Dunedin, 11 – 15th
Pacific Science Association Congress, 15th, Tour Notes, 7th, Tour Notes
Pacific Science Congress (7th); Proceedings
Pacific science. 52(2) & (3) & (4), 53(1)
Pacific Statistical Congress,, Auckland 1986
Pacific viewpoint
Pacific way
Pacific world
Pacific, 1998. 356 p.
Pacifichem ’95
Pacificland Workshop on the Establishment of Soil Management Experiments on Sloping Lands : papers and reports of a training workshop
PacificScience Association Congress, 15th, Tour Notes
Packaging beyond : IAPRI 10th World Conference on Packaging, 24-27 March 1997, Victoria University of Technology, Melbourne,
Packaging of Horticultural Produce
Packaging review South Africa : Official journal of the Institute of Packaging (SA)
Packaging technology and science
PACRIM ’99 Congress : 10-13 October 1999, Bali, Indonesia
PacRim 2 Ceramics Conference, Cairns, Australia, 14-17 July, 1996
PACRIM 2004 Congress, 19-22 September 2004, Adelaide, South Australia : proceedings
PACRIM Congress 1995, Auckland, New Zealand 19-22 November 1995 : proceedings
PACRIM Congress, Auckland, New Zealand 19-22 November 1995 : proceedings
Pages newsletter , 2000-3
Pakistan journal of biological sciences , 2 & 3
Palaeoaustral. 7
Palaeoclimates & climate modelling : proceedings of the National Science Strategy Committee for Climate Change Workshop, at Science
Palaeogeography palaeoclimatology palaeoecology , 101, 139, 152, 191, 207, 131(3/4), 136 (1/4), 138 (1-4), 139 (1/2), 139(3/4), 141(1/2), 147(1/2), 147(3/4), 153(1/4), 156(1/2)
Palaeogeopgraphy, palaeoclimatology, palaeoecology
Palaeolimnology of Lake Biwa and the Japanese Pleistocene
Palaeomagnetic applications in hydrocarbon exploration and production
Palaeontographica. Abteilung A, Palaeozoologie, Stratigraphie. 254(4/6)
Palaeontographica. Abteilung A, Palaeozoologie, Stratigraphie. 255(1/3)
Palaeontological bulletin / Geological Survey Branch
Palaeopelagos special publication
Palaios. 12(6), 13(2), 14(5)
Paleo-geothermal and active geothermal systems
Paleobiology and paleoenvironments of Eocene rocks, McMurdo Sound, East Antarctica
Paleobiology. 24(2)
Paleoceanography. 13(1)
Paleogeography, paleoclimatology, paleoecology
Paleomagnetic rotations and continental deformation
Paleomagnetism and diagenesis in sediments
Paleontological research. 1(3)
Paleontology of dredge and core samples collected during the 1997 Tangaroa cruise 3035, offshore Fiordland, southwest New Zealand
Paleontology. 43(4)
Palmerston North, 16-17 August, 27-29 June 2000.
Palynological and Palaeobotanical Association of Australasia
Palynological and Palaeobotanical Association of Australasia newsletter
Palynological and palaeobotanical studies in honour of Basil E
Palynology of Kiwa-1 offshore well, m – 3858 m 1981
Palynology of Wainui-1 offshore well
Palynology. 23
Pan Pacific Hazards ’96 : July 29 to August 2, Vancouver, B
PANIC – particles and nuclei – tenth international conference
Paper / American Society of Agricultural Engineers
Paper / Geological Survey of Canada
Paper / International Poplar Commission
Paper / New Zealand Forest Service symposium
Paper / School of Forestry, University of Canterbury
Paper FAO:CIP/75/48; International Poplar Commision FAO
Paper presented to Pan Pacific Conference February, 1983
Paper: FA:CIP/73/32, 13th session International Poplar Commission, FAO, Montreal, Canada
Papers / Australian and New Zealand Association for the
Papers / Department of Geology, University of Queensland
Papers / New Zealand Roading Symposium, 1979
Papers accepted for presentation at the 7
Papers and proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania
Papers arising from the Symposium on Climate Succession and Glacial History of the Southern Hemisphere over the past Five Million Years,
Papers in vertebrate palaeontology
Papers on geophysical investigations of ground water on the
Papers presented ar the 15th Research Conference of the Meat
Papers presented at the 27th Meat Industry Research Conference, held at Hamilton, 1st to 3rd September
Papers presented at the 27th Meat Industry Research Conference, held at Hamilton, 1st-3rd September,
Papers presented at the 8th annual conference, Christchurch,
Papers presented at the Annual IPENZ Conference 11-15 February
Papers presented at the International Conference on Water
Papers presented at the Peking symposium ; Natural science 1965
Papers presented at the twenty eighth Meat Industry Research Conference, held in Auckland, 19-21 July
Papers presented at the twenty-eight Meat Industry Research Conference, held in Auckland, 19th to 21st July
Papers presented at the twenty-eighth Meat Industry Research Conference, held in Auckland, 19-21 July
Parasite Host Environment, May 28-June 1, Sofia, Bulgaria
Parasitology research
Parent and school
Parklands gazette
Partnerships for the Planet : New Zealand Association for Environmental Education Conference, 14th-17th January 2003, Christchurch College of Education [electronic resource]
Pathogenesis and host specificity in plant diseases : histopatholgical, biochemical, genetic and molecular bases
Pathogenesis and host specificity in plant diseases : histopathological, biochemical, geneitc and molecular bases : vol. II : Eukaryotes
Pathways in geology
Patua te otaota : weed clippings , 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
Paul and Juhl’s essentials of radiologic imaging
Paydirt’s mineral resources of New Zealand. 2000
Paydirt’s New Zealand petroleum handbook : 1999 first edition
PCR methods and applications
Peace researcher
Peaceful uses of atomic energy ; Proceedings of the fourth
Peche maritime
Pediatric infectious disease journal
Pediatric pharmacolgy
Pediatric radiology
Pedobiologia , 37, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 48
Pedometrics ’99 : estimating uncertainty in soil models : 3rd Conference of the Working Group on Pedometrics of the International Union of Soil Science (IUSS), September 27-29, 1999, Zoology Lecture Theatre, The University of Sydney, NSW, Australia : extended abstract papers
Pedosphere , 13
Pennsylvania triangle
Penrose Conference : longevity and dynamics of rhyolitic magma systems : Mammoth, CA, June 6-12, 2001
Penrose Conference : subduction to strike-slip transitions on plate boundaries
Penrose Conference, 25-31 March 1999, Arthur’s Pass, South Island, New Zealand : Mid-Cretaceous to Recent plate boundary processes in the southwest Pacific : abstract volume
People, plants and conservation : botanic gardens into the 21st century : proceedings of a conference held in Wellington, 19-22 March 1992
Perfumer and flavorist
Perfumery of essential oil record
Pergamon materials series ; 6
Periodico di Mineralogia
Perishables handling quarterly
Perkin-Elmier instrument news for science and industries
Permafrost and periglacial processes
Permian-Triassic evolution of tethys and western circum-Pacific
Perna press.
Persimmon profile, (April):12-14, 14-15
Persimmon profile, (December):8
Persimmon profile, 1995(December):13-14
Persimmon profile, February:8-9
Persistence of forage legumes
Perspectives in phytochemistry
Perspectives on new crops and new uses. Proceedings of the fourth national new crops symposium, Phoenix, Arizona, 1998
Peru: Segundo Simposium Internacional del Oro : Second International Gold Symposium, Lima, mayo
PESA journal
PESA news. 47
Pest management science , 57
Pesticide biochemistry and physiology , 47
Pesticide science, 54:203-211
Pesticides and wildlife
Petroleum economist
Petroleum exploration in New Zealand news. 52
Petroleum geochemistry and basin evaluation
Petroleum geoscience
Petroleum Review
Petroleum Times
Petromin. 23(10), 24(2), 25(2), 26(3)
Pfannhauser, W; Fenwick, GR; Khokhar, S eds. Biologically-active phytochemicals in food : analysis, metabolism, bioavailability and function. p. 416-420.
Pfannhauser, W; Fenwick, GR; Khokhar, S eds. Biologically-active phytochemicals in food : analysis, metabolism, bioavailability and function. p. 552-556.
PGRSA quarterly, 27(1):1-9
PH ’96 : International Postharvest Science Conference : Taupo, New Zealand, 4-9 August
PH ’96 : International Postharvest Science Conference : Taupo, New Zealand, 4-9 August 1996
Pharmaceutical biology
Pharmaceutical Journal of New Zealand
Pharmazeutische industrie
Phase transitions
Philosophical magazine
Philosophical Transactions / Royal Society
Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series A, Mathematical and physical sciences. 357
Phloem transport
Photoassimilate distribution in plants and crops : source-sink relationships
Photobiology : the science of light and life / L.O. Bjčorn (ed). Dordrecht, Kluver, 2002.
Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences
Photochemistry and Photobiology
Photoelectric Spectrometry Group bulletin
Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 59, 63, 67, 68
Photogrammetric record
Photonics Spectra
Photosynthesis and photorespiration
Photosynthesis and physiology of the whole plant
Photosynthesis and productivity in different environments
Photosynthesis research, 69:146, 241-242, 242-243
Phycologia , 41
Phycological research.
Physica A, B, C, E, Superconductivity
Physica scripta
Physica status solidi (a), solidi B. 211(R5-6) Physica C
Physical aspects of coastal problems
Physical chemistry chemical physics (PCCP)
Physical geography
Physical hydrology
Physical Review B 67 , 085407, Physical Review B ; Brief notes, Physical Review E
Physical Review Letters
Physical review, C, Physical review, D
Physico-chemical behaviour of atmospheric pollutants ;
Physics and Chemistry of Glasses
Physics and chemistry of minerals
Physics and medical biology
Physics bulletin
Physics in medicine and biology
Physics in New Zealand
Physics in technology
Physics Letters A & [Section B]
Physics of fluids
Physics of the earth and planetary interiors. 108(3), 119(3/4)
Physics of the New Zealand thermal area
Physics World
Physiologia plantarum, 102:171-178, 106:129-134, 108:255-262, 111:396-404, 111:519-526, 112:127-134
Physiological and molecular plant pathology, 54:13-35, 58:111-118, 58:247-258, 61:313, 62:193-202
Physiological aspects of digestion and metabolism in ruminants : proceedings of the seventh international symposium on ruminant physiology
Physiological entomology , 28
Physiological plant pathology
Physiological Society of New Zealand
Physiological zoology
Physiology & behaviour, 75:169-181, 67:803-808, 74:659-664, 75:455-464
Physologia plantarum
Phytochemical analysis, 12:332-335
Phytochemical Bulletin
Phytochemistry , 38, 44, 45, 49:1579-1583, 49:957-963, 53:447-450, 55:127-130, 63:285-301
Phytoparasitica , 26
Phytopathologische zeitschrift
Phytopathology , 91, 93, 91(6):S96
Phytotherapy research
Phytotoxins and plant pathogenesis
Phytotron symposium, Duke, North Carolina, U
Pierre Hubert.
PIERS 97 : proceedings of the Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium, Hong Kong, January 6-9 1997
Pig recording, bacon-manufacture, and some aspects of the pig
PIMRC ’96 : proceedings of the seventh IEEE International Symposium of Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communication : Taipei, Taiwan, October 15-18, 1996
Pipfruit solutions, 2(9):10-13
Pipfruit solutions, 2(9):6-8
Pipfruit technical updating seminar / HortResearch, 1999:30-35
Pipfruit technical updating seminar / HortResearch, 2000:11-14, 15-19, 20-22, 3-10, 33-34, 35, 36-39, 41, 42-45
Pipmark news
Pits and pores: formation, properties and significance for advanced luminescent materials (proceedings volume 97-7)
Planet Space Sci
Planetary and space science 32(11)
Plankton newsletter
Planning and engineering for performance in earthquakes : conference 2005 technical papers
Planning quarterly , 141
Plant and cell physiology
Plant and insect nematodes
Plant and soil , 170, 175, 176, 182, 191, 212, 217, 219, 233, 236, 239, 240, 254, 260, 206:61-77, 227:301-306, 231:161-174, 249:117-125, 251:125-135, 254:415-423, 188
Plant bacterial diseases ; A diagnostic guide
Plant biology , 1
Plant breeding and genetic engineering
Plant breeding in New Zealand
Plant breeding reviews, 17:191-223
Plant Breeding Symposium DSIR 1986
Plant canopies
Plant carbohydrates ; 1
Plant Cell & Environment CONFIDENTIAL
Plant cell and environment (submitted)
Plant cell and environment , 27
Plant Cell Physiology
Plant cell reports, 17:211-214, 17:631-639, 18:727-732
Plant cell, 14:1497-1508
Plant cell, tissue and organ culture, 70:77-82, 70:99-104
Plant disease , 85
Plant disease record
Plant disease reporter
Plant disease, 82:606-609, 84:208-223, 86:1265-1270, 87:502-509
Plant Diseases Division bulletin
Plant fibers
Plant growth regulation, 22:73-78, 23:195-200, 26:117-121, 32:83-90, 38:249- 257
Plant growth substances 1974, 1982
Plant improvement and somatic cell genetics
Plant introduction and acclimatization
Plant journal, 13:803-814, 15:593-604, 24:335-344, 27:581-590
Plant materials handbook for soil conservation. Water and Soil Miscellaneous Publication no. 94
Plant molecular biology Gordon conference : plant biological regulatory mechanisms, 1998:[1p.]
Plant molecular biology Gordon conference : regulatory mechanisms in plants, 1994:[1p.]
Plant molecular biology reporter
Plant molecular biology, 36:857-869, 38:449-460, 39:1231-1241, 40:223-235, 42:317-328, 42:623-633
Plant Nutrition 1982
Plant nutrition – food security and sustainability of agro-ecosystems. p. 92-93.
Plant nutrition – from genetic engineering to field practice : proceedings of the twelfth International Plant Nutrition Colloquium, 21-26
Plant nutrition 1978
Plant nutrition : physiology and applications : proceedings of the eleventh International Plant Nutrition colloquium, 30 July – 4 August
Plant nutrition ; Proceedings of the ninth International 1982
Plant nutrition ; Vol 2 1978
Plant nutrition ; Volume 1 1978
Plant pathogenic bacteria : 8th international conference, Versailles, June 9-12, 1992.
Plant pathogenic bacteria : proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Plant Pathogenic Bacteria, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada, 23-27 July 2000
Plant pathogenic bacteria : proceedings of the 8th International Conference : Versailles, France, 9-12 June 1992
Plant pathology , 45, 46, 47, 43:130-137, 44:918-924, 46:509-515, 47:188-196, 47:530-536, 48:823-829, 49:515-522
Plant physiology (submitted)
Plant physiology / American Society of Plant Physiologists
Plant physiology and biochemistry, 41:887-893
Plant physiology and herbage production
Plant Physiology Division / Internal report
Plant physiology, 108:1307-1308, 114(supplement):227-228, 116:868, 117:1126, 117:1525, 122:292, 124:599-608, 126:97-108, 129:122-133, 130:605-617
Plant physiology, 114(supplement):227-228
Plant physiology/ American Society of Plant Physiologists
Plant production on the threshold of a new century : proceedings of the international conference of the 75th anniversary of the
Plant protection : costs, benefits and trade implications : proceedings of a New Zealand Plant Protection Society symposium
Plant protection and quarantine
Plant protection quarterly , 10(2), 12, 13, 16
Plant relations in pastures
Plant resources of south-east Asia : no.17. Fibre plants
Plant science letters
Plant Science Limerick
Plant science, 129:91-99, 139:165-174
Plant systematics and evolution , 186, 202, 208, 209, 231, 235, 239
Plant systematics and evolution, 205:111-124
Plant systematics and evolution, 208:107-119
Plant systematics and evolution, 208:169-185
Plant tissue culture 1983
Plant Tissue Culture & Biotechnology, 14th:23, 25, 66
Plant varieties and seeds
Plant varieties journal
Plant, cell and environment , 18, 19, 20, 21, 23, 25
Plant, cell and environment, 24:1199-1207
Plant, cell and environment, 26:1205-1214
Plant-soil interactions at low pH : principles and management : proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Plant-soil interactions at low pH, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 12-16 September 1993
Plant-soil interactions at low pH : principles and management : proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Plant-Soil Interactions
Plant-soil interactions at low pH : principles and management : proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Plant-Soil Interactions at Low pH, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, 12-16 September 1993
Plant-soil interactions at low pH : proceedings of the Second International Symposium on Plant-Soil Interactions at Low pH, 24-29 June
Planta medica
Planta, 203:162-173, 203:174-181, 204:242-251, 205:189-196, 205:197-204
Plants and Volcanoes Field Symposium, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy, Russia, 9-15 July 2001 : abstracts.
Plants and Volcanoes Field Symposium, Petropavlovsk-Kamchatskiy, Russia, 9-15 July 2001: abstracts.
Plasma physics
PNG Geology, Exploration and Mining Conference, Rabaul : proceedings
PNOC EDC Geothermal Conference, Manila, March 2000
PNOC-EDC Geothermal Conference, Manilla, 1998
Podzols and gley podzols
Poirieria. 21, 22, 23, 24
Polar biology 20, 23, 24, 25, 26
Polar geoscience. 11, 12
Polar Ozone Workshop
Polar record , 40, 34(188)
Polar research , 18
Polish journal of ecology
Pollination ’84
Pollution effects – biomarkers in environmental toxicology conference, 1999:45, 1999:9
Pollution effects : biomarkers in environmental toxicology conference, Christchurch 14-16 July 1999
Polymeni, R.,Thessalou-Legaki, M. (eds)Pensoft, Moscow.
Polymers & Polymer Composites
Polyphenols 94 : 17th International Conference on Polyphenols, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, May 23-27,
Polyphenols Communications 96 : 18th International Conference of the Groupe Polyphenols, Bordeaux, France, 15-18 July
Polyphenols Communications 96 : 18th International Conference of the Groupe Polyphenols, Bordeaux, France, 15-18 July 1996
Popular summaries from Second International Conference on Forest Vegetation Management, 20-24 March 1995 Rotorua, New Zealand
Population ecology , 46
Population growth rate : determining factors and role in population regulation
Portland, Oregon / edited by Parker J. Wigington and Robert L. Beschta
Possum research news
Possums and gliders ; Volume XII
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