MacDiamid Interface
Machine Vision and Applications
Magazine of Composite Association of New Zealand
Magazine of concrete research
Magmatic contributions to hydrothermal systems : extended abstracts from the Japan – U
Magnetic reconnection in space and laboratory plasmas
Magnetic resonance imaging
Magnetic resonance imaging in the applied sciences workshop syllabus
Magnetic resonance imaging, 21:679-685
Magnetic resonance in chemistry
Magnetic resonance in chemistry
Magnetic spin resonance in the solid state
Mahidol University journal
Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont, and New Brunswick,
Maintaining viable agriculture
Making current technology more effective : National Technology Transfer Seminar, 27 and 28 November 2002, Brentwood Hotel, Kilbirnie, Wellington
Making the Grade
Making the grade
Maksutov Club circular
Mammal news
Mammal review
Mammal review
Mammal species of the world
Mammalian genome , 12
Man and environment processes
Man made lakes and human health
Manaaki Whenua Conference handbook, 21-23 April 1999, Te Papa, Wellington : Cherishing the land
Manaaki Whenua Conference, 21-23 April 1999, Te Papa, Wellington UR – URL: Link to Full Text
Managed grasslands
Managed grasslands, B
Management (NZ)
Management of contaminated sediments : proceedings : first international conference on remediation of contaminated sediments, Venice
Management of dynamic systems in New Zealand Agriculture
Management of dynamic systems in New Zealand agriculture
Management of New Zealand’s natural estate
Management Services Council of New Zealand, Annual Conference,
Managing “c”hange in a dynamic environment : Papers presented at the New Zealand Agricultural and Resource Economics Society Fourth Annual Conference, Blenheim Country Lodge, July 1997.
Managing African elephant populations : act or let die? proceedings of an expert consultation on the Control of Wild Elephant Populations.
Managing change : building knowledge and skills : 2nd Australasia Pacific Extension Conference, 18 to 21 November 1997 Albury Conference Centre, Albury, New South Wales. Conference proceedings Volume 1.
Managing change : building knowledge and skills : 2nd Australasia Pacific Extension Conference, 18 to 21 November 1997, Albury Conference Centre, Albury, New South Wales. Conference proceedings Volume 1.
Managing marsupial abundance for conservation benefits : proceedings of a symposium held at the Society for Conservation Biology Conference, Sydney, Australia, July 1998.
Managing postharvest horticulture in Australasia : proceedings of the Australasian Conference in Postharvest Horticulture, Gosford, 24-28
Managing the impacts of climatic variability : the Noah paradigm : proceedings of the New Zealand Institute of Agricultural Science and the
Managing urban weeds and pests : proceedings of a New Zealand Plant Protection Society Symposium, The Centra Hotel, Auckland Airport, August 9, 1999
Manawatu evening standard, Monday February 3, 2003,
Manganese nodule deposits in the Pacific
Maniapoto hunters’ newsletter
Maniapoto hunters’ newsletter , 3
Maniapoto hunters’ newsletter , 3 (Supplement)
Maniapoto hunters’ newsletter , 5
Maniapoto hunters’ newsletter , 7
Manihiki Plateau, Machias and Capricorn seamounts, Niue, and Tofua Trough : results of Tui cruises
Manihiki Plateau, Machias and Capricorn seamounts, Niue, and Tofua Trough : results of Tui cruises
Manipulation of fruiting
Mantle xenoliths
Manual of photographic interpretation
Manukau courier
Manuscripta geodaetica
March 2000 meeting of the American Physical Society
March, : conference technical papers
Marginal basin geology
MARGINS newsletter
Margins newsletter , 9
Marihuana chemistry, biochemistry, and cellular effects
Marine & freshwater research
Marine & freshwater research
Marine & freshwater research. 48(4)
Marine & freshwater research. 48(5)
Marine & freshwater research. 48(8)
Marine & freshwater research. 49(1)
Marine & freshwater research. 49(2)
Marine & freshwater research. 49(3)
Marine & freshwater research. 49(7)
Marine & freshwater research. 50(2)
Marine & freshwater research. 50(4)
Marine & freshwater research. 50(6)
Marine & freshwater research. 50(8)
Marine & freshwater research. 51(3)
Marine & freshwater research
Marine algae of the Kermadec Islands
Marine and environmental research
Marine and freshwater behaviour and physiology
Marine and Freshwater Research
Marine and freshwater research
Marine and freshwater research.
Marine and petroleum geology
Marine behaviour and physiology
Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom
Marine biology
Marine Biology
Marine biology
Marine biology. 130(3)
Marine biology. 132(2)
Marine biology. 133(1)
Marine chemistry
Marine chemistry
Marine chemistry. 66(3/4)
Marine conservation and wildlife protection
Marine debris in New Zealand’s coastal waters
Marine ecological progress series
Marine ecology progress series
Marine ecology progress series
Marine ecology – progress series
Marine ecology :progress series , 213
Marine ecology progress series
Marine Ecology Progress Series
Marine ecology progress series
Marine ecology progress series.
Marine ecology progress series. 148
Marine environmental research
Marine environmental research.
Marine Export Group Seminar
Marine fisheries review
Marine Geodesy
Marine geodesy
Marine geology
Marine Geology
Marine geology
Marine geology and oceanography of the Pacific manganese nodule
Marine geology.
Marine geology. 166(1/4)
Marine geology. 167(3/4)
Marine geology. 138(1/2)
Marine geology. 140(3/4)
Marine geology. 143(1/4)
Marine geology. 144(1/3)
Marine geology. 148(1/2)
Marine geology. 148(3/4)
Marine geology. 151(1/4)
Marine geology. 155(3/4)
Marine geology. 157(3/4)
Marine geology. 159(1/4)
Marine geology. 160(3/4)
Marine geology. 161(2/4)
Marine geology. 163(1/4)
Marine geology. 165(1/4)
Marine geophysical researches
Marine georesources & geotechnology
Marine geotechnology
Marine mammal science
Marine mammals and fisheries
Marine micropalentology
Marine micropaleontology
Marine micropaleontology. 31(3/4)
Marine micropaleontology. 32(3/4)
Marine mining
Marine Phytoplankton October, Nantes, France
Marine policy
Marine policy
Marine pollution bulletin
Marine Pollution Bulletin
Marine pollution bulletin
Marine pollution bulletin.
Marine pollution bulletin. 38(3)
Marine toxins and New Zealand shellfish : proceedings of a workshop on research issues, 10-11 June
Marion and Prince Edward Islands
Markov processes and related fields
Marsden Fund update
Marsden Fund update
Marsden Fund update. 11
Marsden Fund update. 8
Marsend Fund update
Massachusetts, USA
Massachusetts, USA, March 9-13, 1986 / edited by Michael J. Dadswell
Massey technical update seminar – Advancing poultry production, 3:88-93
Material protection
Materials and corrosion
Materials at High Temperatures
Materials at high temperatures
Materials characterisation using Rietveld analysis of diffraction data : proceedings of a two day workshop for users of the
Materials forum
Materials Handling Continuing Education for Engineers, 16-18
Materials Letters
Materials letters
Materials letters ; 52(1)
Materials Protection and Performance
Materials Research Bulletin
Materials research bulletin
Materials Research Society symposia proceedings
Materials science and engineering
Materials science and technology
Materials Science and Technology
Materials science and technology
Materials science forum
Materials Science Forum 44
Mathematical analysis and applications
Mathematical biosciences
Mathematical chronicle
Mathematical digest
Mathematical geology
Mathematical modelling
Mathematical programming
Mathematical scientist
Mathematics and computers in simulation , 39
Mathematics and models in engineering science
Mathematics of computation
Mathematics, Heriot-Watt University,-1988
Mauri Ora
Mauri ora
Max-Planck-Institut fuer Kernphysik
May 8-12, 1993 /edited by Clive G. Jones, John H. Lawton.
McManus, MT; Laing, WA; Allan, AC eds. Protein-protein interactions in plant biology. p. 204-237.
McManus, MT; Laing, WA; Allan, AC eds. Protein-protein interactions in plant biology. p. 77-119.
McManus, MT; Laing, WA; Allan, AC eds. Protein-protein interactions in plant biology. p. [2p.].
Measurement Conference : Auckland, New Zealand, 24-27th November
Measurement of photoluminescence
Measurement of the Thermodynamic properties of single phases
Measurement of the thermodynamic properties of single phases
Measurement science & technology
Measurement science and technology
Measurement Science and Technology
Measurement science and technology
Measurement science and technology, 13:1280-1283
Measurement science technology
Measurement Science Technology
Measurements of photoluminescence
MEAT ’93 : the Australian Meat Industry Research Conference, Brisbane, Gold Coast, 11-13 October,
MEAT ’93 : The Australian Meat Industry Research Conference, Gold Coast, 11-13 October,
Meat 88
Meat and poultry
Meat and poultry microbiology
Meat chilling
Meat freezing – why and how
Meat international
Meat microbiology
Meat production and processing
Meat science
Meat Science
Meat science
Meat Science and Technology International Symposium proceedings
Meat science, 48:85-89
Meat science, 49:357-360
Meat science, 51:61-72
Meat science, 60:141-146
Meat science, 60:155-159
Meat science, 62:391-397
Meat science, 65:677-691
Meat Science, Milk Science and Technology
Meat science, milk science and technology
Meatcraft symposium
Mechanical engineering digest
Mechanisms of regulation of plant growth
Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing
Medical and biological engineering and computing
Medical and veterinary entomology
Medical journal of Australia
Medical Laboratory Sciences
Medical microbiology and immunology
Medical physics
Medicinal Plants
Medicine science and the law
Medicine, Science and the Law
Meeting / International Poplar Commission Working Party : Poplar diseases, Bordeaux, France.
Meeting of the New Zealand Insititute of Chemistry, Manawatu Branch, 14 May 2002
Meeting of the Society for Glycobiology (4th: 1999: San Fransisco)
Melbourne Urban Ecology Workshop : Comparative Ecology of Cities and Towns : Melbourne, Australia, 19-22 July 2003 : program
Melbourne, Australia
Membrane proteins
Memoir / Association of Australasian Palaeontologists
Memoir / Association of Australasian Paleontologists
Memoir / Association of Australasian Paleontologists. 20
Memoir of the Faculty of Science, Shimane University
Memoires du Museum d’histoire naturelle
Memoires du Museum national d’histoire naturelle
Memoires du Museum national d’histoire naturelle
Memoires du Museum national d’histoire naturelle. Serie A. Zoologie
Memoirs Istituto Italiano di Idrobiologia
Memoirs of Museum Victoria
Memoirs of Museum Victoria.
Memoirs of National Institute of Polar Research special issue
Memoirs of the American Entomological Institute
Memoirs of the Entomological Society of Canada
Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria
Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria
Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria , 56
Memoirs of the Museum of Victoria. 58(1)
Memoirs of the National Museum of Victoria
Memoirs of the National Museum Victoria
Memoirs of the National Science Museum (Tokyo)
Memoirs of the New York Botanical Garden
Memoirs of the Queensland Museum
Memoirs of the Queensland Museum
Memoirs of the Queensland Museum. 42(2)
Memoirs of the Queensland Museum. 43(1)
Memoirs of the Queensland Museum. 44
Memoirs of the Queensland Museum. 45(2)
Memoria Societa Geologica Italiana
Memorias : Asociacion Geotermica Mexicana 4to Congreso Tecnico =Proceedings : Mexican Geothermal Association 4th Technical Congress
Memorie della Societa Geologica Italiana
Memorie della Societa geologica italiana
Mesothermal gold deposits : a global overview : extended abstracts : abstracts to accompany a short course held in Perth, Western
Mesozoic 96 : Mesozoic Geology of the Eastern Australia Plate Conference, 23-26 September, Queensland, Australia
Mesozoic fishes 2 : systematics and fossil record
Mesozoic-Cenozoic orogenic belts
Metabolism and clinical experiments
Metal treating
Metallurgical and materials transactions
Metallurgical Transactions
Metals and energy
Metals and Materials
Metals Australasia
Metals Australasia ; The magazine of metals and metal finishing
Metals Australia
Metamorphic core complexes and detachment faults in Westland,
Meteorites : flux with time and impact effects
Meteorological applications
Meteorological applications.
Meteorological monographs
Meteorological Society of New Zealand & New Zealand Hydrological Society joint conference to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Otago Province : abstracts
Meteorology and atmospheric physics
Methane Conversion
Methane conversion
Methanol from gas for engine fuel
Methods in applied soil microbiology and biochemistry
Methods in cell biology, 63:505-530
Methods in enzymology
Methods in enzymology
Methods in plant biochemistry
Methods of Forensic Science
Methods of low-level counting and spectrometry ; Proceedings of
Methods of soil analysis
Metrologia 34
Mexico, 1985
MICRO ’95 : proceedings of the 13th Australian Microelectronics Conference, Adelaide, July 16-19,
Microbes and Molecules : Abstracts : Joint Annual Conference : New Zealand Microbiological Society, New Zealand Society for Biochemistry
Microbial and plant opportunities to improve lignocellulose utilization by ruminants : proceedings
Microbial and plant opportunities to improve lignocellulose utilization by ruminants : Proceedings of the Tri-National Workshop
Microbial and Plant Opportunities to Improve Lignocellulose Utilization by
Microbial and viral pesticides
Microbial control of insect pests ; A record of lectures and
Microbial ecology
Microbial ecology , 43
Microbial ecology , 47
Microbial ecology of foods
Microbial interactions and communities
Microbiological aspects of facial eczema
Microbiology , 143:1395-1403
Microbiology and water quality
Microbiology of frozen foods
Microbiology, 148:3332-3333
Microbiotech ’85
Microbiotech NZMS biotechnology
Microchemistry journal
Microelectronics journal
Microfibril angle in wood : the proceedings of the IAWA/IUFRO International Workshop on the Significance of Microfibril Angle to Wood Quality, Westport, New Zealand, November 1997
MicroNZ 2003
MicroNZ 2003 : a combined annual scientific meeting and exhibition of the Australian and New Zealand Societies for Microbiology : art in science : the Edge – Aotea Centre, Auckland, New Zealand, 28 September – 2 October 2003 : final program and abstracts book
Micropaleontology. 44(4)
Micropaleontology. 45(1)
Microporous and mesoporous materials
Microporous and mesoporous sol
Microprocessors in DSIR and Research Associations ; A synopsis
Microprocessors in operational hydrology
Microscale testing in aquatic toxicology /editors P.G. Wells, K. Lee, C. Blaise
Microstructure and properties of catalysts
Microvascular Research
Microwave and optical technology letters
Microwave power
Microwaves : their future with the food industry : proceedings of a one day symposium held in Auckland, August 17,
Microzoning for earthquake effects in Wellington, New Zealand
Mikrochimica Acta
Mikrochimica acta
Mikrochimica acta
Mineral ans exploration at the crossroads
Mineral deposits (Beijing)
Mineral deposits : processes to processing
Mineral deposits of New Zealand
Mineral nutrition of fruit trees ; Proceedings of the ISHS
Mineral resources of New Zealand
Mineral resources of New Zealand. 1998
Mineral resources of New Zealand. 1999
Mineral resources of New Zealand. 2000
Mineral science and engineering
Mineralium deposita
Mineralogica et petrographica acta
Mineralogical Magazine
Mineralogical magazine
Mineralogical magazine. 63(3)
Mineralogy and petrology
Mineralogy and petrology , 47
Mineralogy for the new millennium : IMA2002 : 18th General Meeting of the International Mineralogical Association, 1st-6th September 2002, Edinburgh, Scotland
Minerals, science, and engineering
Mines Department annual report
Mining and metallurgical practices in Australasia
Mining and the environment : New Zealand Branch 31st Annual Conference, Christchurch, 25 to 27 November 1998
Mining journal
Mining magazine
Mining Monitor
Mining review
Miramar Peninsula seminar
Miscellaneous series / New Zealand Oceanographic Institute
Miscellaneous series / New Zealand Oceanographic Institute ; 10
Miscellaneous series / New Zealand Oceanographic Institute ; 7
Miscellaneous series / New Zealand Oceanographic Institute ; 8
Miscellaneous series / New Zealand Oceanographic Institute ; 9
Miscellaneous series / Royal Society of New Zealand, 61:50-58
Miscellaneous series / Royal Society of New Zealand, 62:36-41
Miscellaneous series / Royal Society of New Zealand, 62:80-81
Missouri Botanical Garden
Mitigation and adaptation strategies for global change : an international journal devoted to scientific, engineering, socio-economic
Mitochondrion, 1(Supplement):S64
Mitteilungen aus dem Geologisch-Palaeontologischen Institut der
Mitteilungen aus dem Geologisch-Palaeontologischen Institut der Universitaet Hamburg
Mitteilungen aus dem Geologischen-Palaeontologischen Institut der Universitaet Hamburg
Mitteilungen aus dem Institut fr Allegemeine Botanik Hamburg , 30-32
Mitteilungen aus der Biologischen Bundesanstalt fuer Land- und Forstwirtschaft Berlin-Dahlem
Mitteilungen der Bayerischen Staatssammlung fuer Palaeontologie und historische Geologie. 37
Mitteilungen Geologische-Palaeontologische Institut Universitet
Mitteilungen Geologischen-Palaontologischen Institut Universitat Hamburg
Mitteilungen-Gesellschaft der Geologie und Bergbaustudenten in
MMAJ Gold Symposium ’91 in Kyushu – gold mineralization and its exploration in island arcs, November
Modeling agricultural, forest, and rangeland hydrology
Modeling components of hydrologic cycle
Modelling geomorphological systems
Modelling, Testing & Monitoring for Hydro Powerplants – III, Aix-en-Provence, France, October 1998
Modern pathology
Modern physics letters
Modern physics letters B
Modern unicorns : a treatise for the new millenium
Modes of crustal deformation: from the brittle upper crust through detachments to the ductile lower crust
MODSIM 2001 : International Congress of Modelling and Simulation, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 10-13 December 2001 : proceedings, volume 2 : Natural systems (part two)
MODSIM 2001 : International Congress of Modelling and Simulation, The Australian National University, Canberra, Australia, 10-13 December 2001 : proceedings, volume 3 : Socioeconomic systems
MODSIM 2003 : International Congress on Modelling and Simulation : Integrative modelling of biophysical, social and economic systems for resource management solutions : Jupiters Hotel and Casino, Townsville, Australia, 14-17 July 2003 :
MODSIM 99 Hamilton
Molecular & general genetics
Molecular and cellular endocrinology , 183
Molecular and general genetics
Molecular biology and evolution , 19
Molecular Breeding
Molecular breeding
Molecular breeding of forage crops. p. 239-250, Spangenberg, G ed. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht.
Molecular breeding, 3:49-63
Molecular breeding, 4:459-472
Molecular breeding, 5:153-165
Molecular ecology
Molecular ecology
Molecular ecology , 4
Molecular ecology , 8
Molecular ecology , 9
Molecular genetics of the bacteria-plant interaction
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution , 16
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution.
Molecular Physics
Molecular physics
Molecular plant breeding (accepted 2002)
Molecular plant-microbe interactions
Molecular plant-microbe interactions , 7
Molecular plant-microbe interactions, 11:801-814
Molecular plant-microbe interactions, 13:962-974
Molecular plant-microbe interactions, 14:939-946
Molecular plant-microbe interactions, 15:753-763
Molecular reproduction and development , 62
Molecular reproduction and development , 64
Molecules for life 2001, National Conference of the New Zealand institute of Chemistry, New Zealand Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, New Zealand Biotechnology Association, Napier 4-7 December
Molecules for Life Conference, New Zealand Institute of Chemistry/ New Zealand Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology / New Zealnd Biotechnology association, December 2001, Napier
Molecules to microbes II : joint annual conference, 9-12 May, University of Auckland : New Zealand Society for Microbiology and New
Molecules to microbes II : joint annual conference, 9-12 May, University of Auckland : New Zealand Society for Microbiology and the
Molecules to microbes II : the New Zealand Society for Microbiology Inc, and, the New Zealand Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Inc joint annual conference, 9-12 May 1994, the University of Auckland : conference and poster abstracts.
Molesworth and the Upper Clarence Catchment land resource
Molesworth and Upper Clarence catchment land resource inventory
Molluscan research
Molluscan research
Molluscan research , 22
Molluscan research. 18(1)
Molluscan research. 18(2)
Molluscan research. 19(1)
Molluscs as crop pests
Money & morals, mad cows & mutants : are they worth the risk? 19-20 September 1996, Sheraton Sydney Airport Hotel
Monitoring and integrated management of arthropod pests of small fruit crops
Monitoring volcanoes : techniques and strategies used by the staff of the Cascades Volcano Observatory
Monocots III : Third International Conference on the Comparative Biology of the Monocotyledons, Fourth International Symposium on Grass Systematics and Evolution, 31 March – 4 April 2003, Ontario Convention Center, Ontario, California : final program
Monsanto Conservation tillage seminar
Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Monthly Weather Review
Monthly weather review
Monthly weather review
Morraines and varves
Mossbauer effect reference and data journal
Motunau Island, Canterbury, New Zealand
Mountain glaciation
Mountains of water
Mountains of water – the story of Fiordland National Park
Movement of pests and control strategies Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Moving into mass customization
MPRG Wireless Communications Conference, Virginia, 2000
MSL Web page
MT Proceedings fifth international alcohol fuel technology
Mudulla Yellows : a new threat to out native vegetation – meeting the challenge : August 1999 : Proceedings of the seminar presented by the Conservation Council of South Australia in association with the University of Adelaide
Multi-lateral workshop on development of earthquake and tsunami disaster mitigation technologies and their integration for the Asia-Pacific region
Multiple objective decision making for land, water and environmental management : proceedings of the First International Conference on Multiple Objective Decision Support Systems (MODSS) for Land, Water and Environmental Management : Concepts, Approaches and Applications
Multipurpose use of geothermal energy
Municipal Handbook
Museums journal
Mushroom biology and mushroom products : proceedings of the First International Conference on Mushroom Biology and Mushroom Products, 23-26 August 1993, Chinese University of Hong Kong
Mushrooms international , 87
Mutation research
Mutation Research – Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis
Mycologia , 89
Mycologia , 91
Mycologia , 93
Mycologia , 95
Mycologia, 88:473-483
Mycological research
Mycological Research
Mycological research
Mycological research : 98”
Mycological research , 102
Mycological research , 103
Mycological research , 104
Mycological research , 99
Mycological research, 101:493-501
Mycological research, 102:1025-1037
Mycological research, 102:881-890
Mycological research, 103:275-285
Mycological research, 103:929-937
Mycological research, 104:23-34
Mycological research, 104:325-332
Mycological research, 104:395-402
Mycological research, 104:993-999
Mycological research, 105:1239-1245
Mycological research, 106:228-232
Mycological research, 106:93-106
Mycological research, 107:803-810
Mycologist , 16
Mycologist , 9
Mycopathologia, 139:165-173
Mycoscience , 42
Mycoscience , 43
Mycoscience , 44
Mycoscience , 45
Mycoses newsletter
Mycotaxon , 27
Mycotaxon , 47
Mycotaxon , 49
Mycotaxon , 52
Mycotaxon , 56
Mycotaxon , 57
Mycotaxon , 59
Mycotaxon , 61
Mycotaxon , 65
Mycotaxon , 67
Mycotaxon , 69
Mycotaxon , 79
Mycotaxon , 81
Mycotaxon , 82
Mycotaxon , 83
Mycotaxon , 84
Mycotaxon , 85
Mycotaxon , 86
Mycotaxon , 87
Mycotaxon , 88
Mycotaxon , 89
Mycotoxin protocols
Mycotoxin research
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