
Dahlias of today : official bulletin of the Puget Sound Dahlia Association
Daily Post (supplement)
Daily telegraph
Dairy3 : triple the know-how : combined Massey, Dexcel, Dairy Farmer event : proceedings of the 1st Dairy3 Conference, Convention Centre, Rotorua, 7-9 April 2003
Dairy Cattle Society of The New Zealand Veterinary Association
Dairy Company Managers’ Conference, Palmerston North
Dairy exporter
Dairy exporter
Dairy exporter , March
Dairy farm soil management : Fertilizer & Lime Research Centre 15th annual workshop in conjunction with New Zealand Fertilizer Manufacturers’ Research Association 27th technical conference, 13-14 February 2002 at Massey University, Palmerston North
Dairy farming annual
Dairy industry
Dairy Technology
Dairy Technology Society, Engineering Section Summer
Dairyfarming annual
Dairyfarming annual
Dalton transactions
Dams : management and best practice : proceedings of a symposium held in Wellington, November 2000
Dark cutting in cattle and sheep
Database integration newsletter , 1
Deciduous fruit grower
Decision sciences
Deep Sea Research
Deep sea research
Deep-Sea research
Deep-sea research
Deep-sea research
Deep-sea research ; Part A
Deep-sea research ; Part B
Deep-sea research I
Deep-sea Research I
Deep-sea research I
Deep-sea research II
Deep-Sea Research II
Deep-sea research II
Deep-sea research Part 1
Deep-sea research with oceanographic literature review
Deep-sea research. Part I, Oceanographic research papers
Deep-sea research. Part I, Oceanographic research papers. 45(10)
Deep-sea research. Part I, Oceanographic research papers. 45(11)
Deep-sea research. Part I, Oceanographic research papers. 45(12)
Deep-sea research. Part I, Oceanographic research papers. 46(1)
Deep-sea research. Part II, Topical studies in oceanography
Deep-sea research. Part II, Topical studies in oceanography. 45(7)
Deep-water reservoirs of the world : papers presented at the the twentieth annual Bob F. Perkins Research Conference, 2000
Deep-water sedimentation of Southeast Asia : Proceedings of 2nd FOSI Regional Seminar, Hotel Mulia Senyan, Jakarta, Indonesia, May 14-16, 2001
Deer ; Journal of the British Deer Society
Deer farmer
Deer Farmer Apr ?
Deer Farmer Aug ?
Deer Farmer Feb ?
Deer Farmer Jul ?
Deer Farmer Jun ?
Deer Farmer May ?
Deer Farmer Sep ?
Defect recognition and image processing in semiconductors 1997 : proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Defect Recognition and Image Porcessing in Semiconductors (DRIP VII) held in Templin, Germany, 7-10 September 1997
Defending the green oasis : New Zealand biosecurity and science : proceedings of a New Zealand Plant Protection Society Symposium, Centra Hotel, Rotorua, August, 2002
Degradation of materials
Delegate manual / Neurobiology of aging conference, 2nd:76
Department of Lands and Survey Tour Notes
Department of Lands and Survey, Wellington, for The Cape
Descriptions and analyses of soils of Waikari District, North
Design news
Design review
Determination of heights and height changes
Deutsche Hydrographische Zeitschrift
Deutsche hydrographische zeitschrift
Deutsches hydrographische zeitschrift
Deuxieme reunion de travaile scientifique internationale sur la
Developing and sustaining world fisheries resources : the state of science and management : 2nd World Fisheries Congress proceedings
Development bulletin , 58
Development bulletin , 61
Development bulletin , 62
Development in practice , 14
Development of food science and technology in Southeast Asia : proceedings of the 4th ASEAN Food Conference ’92, Jakarta, Indonesia,
Development that works! : lessons from Asia-Pacific
Development, 1998.
Developments in food analysis
Developments in machining and machine tools
Developments in meat science – 1
Developments in soil science : Volume 28a
Devillers, J; Pham-Delegue, M-H eds. Honey bees: estimating the environmental impact of chemicals. p. 290-311.
Diamondback moth and other crucifer pests : proceedings of the second international workshop, Tainan, Taiwan, 10-14 December
DICTA-93 : Proceedings of the Conference on Digital Image Computing Techniques and Applications, Sydney, 8-10 December
DICTA/INVCNZ 97 : Digital Image Computing Techniques and Applications New Zealand
DICTA/IVCNZ Conference
DICTA/IVCNZ97 : proceedings of the first Joint Australian & New Zealand biennial Conference on Digital Image & Vision Computing, Techniques and Applications, 10-12 December 1997, Massey University Albany Campus, Auckland, New Zealand
Dictionary of New Zealand biography. Volume 4, 1921-1940
Die Entwicklung der elektrischen Stimulation in Neuseeland
Die Holzzucht
Die Naturwissenschaften
Die Qualitat von Fleisch nach elektrischer Stimulierung und
Dietary fibre in human and animal nutrition
Directions in paleoseismology
Disaster management : crisis and opportunity : hazard management and disaster preparedness in Australasia and the Pacific
Disaster prevention and management
Disaster prevention and management. 7(1)
Disaster prevention and management. 8(2)
Disaster prevention and management. 8(3)
Disaster prevention and management. 8(4)
Disaster prevention for the 21st century : Proceedings of the Australian Disaster Conference 1999, Canberra, 1-3 November 1999
Discovery , 1
Discovery , 2
Discovery , 3
Discovery , 4
Discovery , 5
Discovery , 6
Discovery , 7
Discovery , 8
Discovery , 9
Discovery reports
Discussion Meeting on Solar-Terrestrial Physics
Discussion meeting on solar-terrestrial physics
Discussion meeting on solar-terrestrial physics ; 29 – 30 Aug
Discussion meeting on solar-terrestrial physics, 29 – 30 August
Discussion paper in natural resource and environmental economics, 20:68p.
Discussion paper/ Agricultural Economics Research Unit, Lincoln
Diseases of aquatic organisms
Diseases of aquatic organisms
Distribution of selected Groups of Marine Invertebrates in
Distribution of selected groups of marine invertebrates in
Distribution, biology and management of exotic fishes
Diversity and distributions , 9
Diversity and pattern in plant communities
Division of Land Research technical paper
DMFS reports
DOC science internal series
Documents de travail Programme Mod‚lisation des plantes / Centre de coop‚ration internationale en recherche agronomique pour de d‚veloppement, 1-99:24pp
Dominion (newspaper) 4
Dominion (Wellington)
Dominion Museum records in zoology
Dominion Museum records in zoology
Dominion Sunday Times
Dominion Sunday times
Driven by nature : plant litter quality and decomposition
Drought and drought strategies
Drug Metabolism and Disposition
Drugs from the sea
Dry coastal ecosystems : Africa, America, Asia and Oceania
Dry Valley Drilling Project bulletin
DSIR and Research Association microprocessor workshop ; A
DSIR Biological Industries Group Newsletter
DSIR Biological Industries Group newsletter
DSIR bulletin
DSIR Cereal news
DSIR cereal news
DSIR Geology & Geophysics, Lower Hutt
DSIR Geology and Geophysics – Recent developments in New Zealand Basin Studies Seminar Field Guide
DSIR geothermal review 1982
DSIR Newsletter
DSIR newsletter
DSIR newsline
DSIR newsline Mar
DSIR report / Crop Research Division
DSIR Research 1973
DSIR Research 1974
DSIR Research 1975
DSIR Seminar
DSIR/CSIRO Chief Executive’s Symposium on Atmospheric Research held at Queenstown, New Zealand, 22-24 April
DSIR/CSIRO Chief Executives Symposium on Atmospheric Research held at Queenstown, New Zealand, 22-24 April
DSIR/CSIRO Chief Executives Symposium on Atmospheric Research : held at Queenstown, New Zealand 22-24 April
Ducklow, John G. Field. Cambridge, UK : Cambridge Unversity Press, 2000.
Dunedin and its Neighbourhood
Dunedin November
Durability of building materials and components
Dyes in history and archeolology
Dynamic earth : past, present and future : 7th Australian Geological Convention, 8-13 February 2004, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
Dynamic Wellington : a contemporary synthesis and explanation of Wellington / editors Jack McConchie, David Winchester, Richard Willis.
Dynamics of soil organic matter in tropical ecosystems