
VA mycorrhiza
Vadose zone journal
Vadose zone journal
Vadose zone journal, 2:76-89
Van Lanen.
Vanneste, JL ed. Fire blight: the disease and its causative agent, Erwinia amylovora. p. 1-6.
Vanneste, JL ed. Fire blight: the disease and its causative agent, Erwinia amylovora. p. 73-83.
VANZ Conference : 5th annual conference of the Vibrations Association of New Zealand, New Plymouth,
VANZ Conference : proceedings of the 6th annual VANZ conference held, Napier,
VCT : 1994 IEEE 44th Vehicular Technology Conference, Stockholm, June 8-10, 1994
Vegetatio , 106
Vegetation and climate : 42nd Annual symposium of the IAVS, July 26-30 1999, Bilbao, Spain : abstracts and excursion guides
Vegetation and ecosystem functuion : 44th IAVS symposium, 29 July – 4 August 2001, Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany : abstracts
Vegetation and slopes: stabilisation, protection and ecology: proceedings of the international conference held at the University Museum, Oxford, 29 30 September 1994
Vegetation and wildlife of CRA prospecting areas, north-west
Vegetation and wildlife of CRA prospecting areas, Reefton
Vegetation change in tussock grasslands, with emphasis on hawkweeds : record of a workshop of the New Zealand Ecological Society, Cass Field Station, Canterbury, 3-6 October 1991
Vegetation history
Vegetation of Stewart Island New Zealand
Vegetation science in forestry : global perspective based on forest ecosystems of East and Southeast Asia
Vegetation science in retrospect and perspective : proceedings of the 41st IAVS symposium 26 July – 1 August 1998 Uppsala
Vehicle System Dynamics
Vehicle-Road and Vehicle-Bridge Interaction III : Engineering Foundation Conference, 5-10 June, Noorwijkerhout, Netherlands
Vehicle/Pavement and Vehicle/Bridge Interaction III : Engineering Foundation Conference, Noordwijkerhout, Netherlands, 5-10 June
Venture : the Industry New Zealand magazine that celebrates initiative
Verhandlungen – International Association of Theoretical and
Verhandlungen – Internationale Vereiniging fur Theoretische und
Verhandlungen / Internationale Vereinigung fuer theoretische
Verhandlungen / Internationale Vereinigung fuer Theoretische und Angewandte Limnologie
Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physysikalischen Gesellschaft
Verhandlungen der internationale Vereinigung fuer theoretische
Verhandlungen der internationalen vereinigung fuer theoretische
Verhandlungen der Internationalen Vereinigung fur Theoretische
Verhandlungen der Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein in Hamburg
Verhandlungen der Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein in Hamburg. Neue folge
Verhandlungen derIntrnational Vereinigung fur Limnologie
Verhandlungen international vereinigung limnologie
Verhandlungen internationale vereinigung fur theoretishe und
Verhandlungen Internationale vereinigung limnologie
Verhandlungen, Vereinigung fuer theoretische und angewandte
Verhandlungen-internationale vereinigung fur theoretische und
Verhandluntgen der internationale vereinigung fur theoretische
Verifying a test ban
Verlag der Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung
Verlag der Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung [A journal of
Verlag der Zeitschrift für Naturforschung, Tübingen
Veroeffentlichungen des Instituts fuer Meeresforschung in
Versatility of wetlands in the agricultural landscape : an International Conference jointly sponsored by AWRA and ASAE
Vertebrate Pest Management Institute of New Zealand newsletter , October
Vertebrate zoogeography and evolution in
Vertebrate zoogeography and evolution in Australasia
Vertebrate zoogeography and evolution in Australia
Vesiac report on seismic signal anomalies
Vesiac report on source mechanism of shallow events
Veterinary and human toxicology , 40
Veterinary and human toxicology , 42
Veterinary parasitology
Veterinary pathology
Veterinary public health, Australia and New Zealand: a workshop for veterinarians, 30 & 31 August,, Sydney and 1 & 2 September 1991
Veterinary research communications
Vetscript New Zealand , 10(7)
Vetscript New Zealand , 9(3)
Vetscript New Zealand , 9(5)
VI international symposium on ruminant physiology
Vibrations Association of New Zealand Annual Conference 2001
Vibrations Association of New Zealand Annual Conference, Whakatane, May 2001
Vibrations Association of New Zealand, VANZ Annual Conference, Rotorua, April 2002
Victoria quarterly
Victoria University of Wellington, Research School of Earth
Victoria’95 : GAC/MAC Annual meeting, May 17-19, : final program and abstracts / Geological Association of Canada, Mineralogical
Videnskabelige meddelelser fra Dansk naturhistorisk Forening i
Videnskabelige meddelelser fra Dansk naturhistorisk forening i
Vie et milieu
VII International Symposium on Antarctic Earth Sciences : Siena (Italy), 10-15 September : abstracts, plenary lectures, oral and poster
VIII International Symposium on Alcohol Fuels, (Tokyo) 1988
Vine and vineyard water requirements. p. 46-67, Walker, RR; Gibberd, MR eds. CRC for Viticulture & CSIRO Plant Industry, Adelaide.
Virginia Technological Symposium on Wireless Personal Communication, May-June 1997
Virus and viruslike diseases of pome fruits and simulating
Visions of future landscapes : proceedings of the Australian Academy of Science 1999 Fenner Conference on the Environment, 2-5 May 1999, Canberra
Vitis informus, 2002:4-7,10
VMSG 1999 : Volcanic and Magmatic Studies Group, annual meeting, 5-6 January 1999
Volcanic activity and the environment : IAVCEI, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, 1997 : General Assembly, January 19-24 : abstracts
Volcanic ash and aviation safety : proceedings of the first International Symposium on Volcanic Ash and Aviation Safety
Volcanic hazards assesment and monitoring
Volcanic hazards assessment and monitoring
Volcanic hazards assessment in New Zealand
Volcanic processes in ore genesis ; Proceedings of a joint
Volcanic soils : properties, processes and land use : international workshop, COST Action 622, Soil Resources of European Volcanic Systems, 3-7 October 2001, Ponta Delgada (S.Miguel), Azores, Portugal : abstracts
Volcanic, geothermal, and ore-forming fluids : rulers and witnesses of processes within the earth
Volcaniclastic sedimentation in lacustrine settings
Volcanism associated with extension at consuming plate margins : international, thematic Volcanic Studies Group meeting, Geological Society
Volcanism in Australasia
Volcano and geothermal observations 1993
Volcano news
Volcanoes in the Quaternary
Volcanological and environmental studies of Mount Erebus, Antarctica
Volume of abstracts of the Eleventh World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Volunteered Papers 2nd International Conference
Vth International Colloquium on Invertebrate Pathology and Microbial Control : incorporating the XXIIIrd annual Meeting of the Society
Vth International Conference on Mediterranean-Climate
Vulkanologiya i sejsmologiya