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Any current customer of The Knowledge Basket is able to create a personal account to access our service, accessed via your own email address and a password of your choosing.

However, this personal account MUST be created using the Register link displayed in the top right hand corner of the search page. This CAN ONLY be done from a computer that is connected to the organisations network. It cannot be done from home or any other location.

Quick search hints:

  • Words separated by spaces are each searched for, ordered by relevance.
  • Words surrounded by double quotes are searched as a phrase e.g: “Ngati Raukawa”
  • Less exactly, “migration occupation”~5 will find migration and occupation within 5 words (in any order)
  • Join terms using AND, OR, NOT (in capitals). Lowercase will search for the words themselves.
  • Truncation/Wildcard symbols: “*” and “?” Eg: franc?s will find francis or frances. franc* will find france, francis, franchising, frantic, etc.
  • To limit searches to particular fields in the MLCMBI collection only, use this syntax:
    block: otaki where “block:” is the field name, and “otaki” is the area. Note the colon!
    Other fields are: judge:, place:, kaikorero:, hapu: (includes iwi), and notes:
  • For more search help – click on the Help menu above.